The Oclayas Indians and their doctrineros in the 17th Century


  • Gabriel Tommasini Orden de Frailes Menores


Oclaya Indians, 17th century, Jujuy, doctrinal


Few, or perhaps no other group of Indians in the district of Jujuy, deserved as much attention and care, in the XVII century, from the civil and ecclesiastical authorities, as the Ocloyas. The Cabildos took interest in reducing these Indians to an urban and clean people; the Governors dictated effective measures, in order to locate them in comfortable places and provided with indispensable elements for life; the Bishops deployed their zeal with the purpose of providing them with competent Doctrineros; the Missionaries always showed determined will to initiate them in the practice of the Christian life.

But in this union of views and of highly humanitarian and Christian civilization purposes, which they all pursued together, a conflict of great resonance arose among the Doctrineros.

Author Biography

  • Gabriel Tommasini, Orden de Frailes Menores

    Fr. Gabriel Tommasini has been an interesting figure of no little intellectual importance, well known and outstanding in the Provincial Custody of the Franciscan missionaries of Salta.

    Few spirits like him have given of themselves a greater apostolic abnegation with a life entirely consecrated to the souls; few have been capable of subjecting themselves to a steely discipline to bury themselves in the midst of yellowed folios and squeezed by the merciless hand of time, to unravel the foundations of the Argentinean culture in remote times and to unravel the veil of certain mystery that surrounds the aboriginal existence of our native tribes. No one, who realizes the formidable commitment and immense willpower needed to carry out such arduous and tiring work, can deny that the historical and ethnographic work undertaken by Father Gabriel Tommasini in favor of Argentine culture, represents a merit of the highest value.

    His works, such as "Los indios ocloyas y sus doctrineros en el siglo XVII", "El Convento de San Francisco de Jujuy en la historia y en la cultura cristiana" and the two volumes of "La civilización cristiana del Chaco", fully justify our statements.

    But leaving aside his human work as a tireless cultivator of history, which falls within the earthly domain, we contemplate Father Gabriel Tommasini in his life as a soldier of the militia of Christ.

    Padre Gabriel Tommasini. EDI - Salta.


Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, "Híst. GL y Nat. de la Ind.", Lib. XLLVII.

Manuel Estrada, "Hist. de la Rep. Argent.", t. I.

"Nueva Crónica de lá Conq. del Tucumán", t. I.

Ricardo Jaimes Freyre, "Hist. del Descub. de Tucum.".

J. Benedicto Villagarcía, "Bosquejo de la Hist. de las Relig. de la Amárica".

V. Lafone Quevedo, "Tesoro de Catamarqueñismos", Terc. Edie. - B. Aires, por Félix F. Avellaneda.

Passim. Edit. en Florencia - 1913.

V. P. Lozano, "Hist. de la Conq.", t. IV.

Freyre, "El Tucumán del siglo XVI".

V. F'reyre, ''El Tucum. Colon."

Diccionario biográfico Colon. de Chile, por José Toribio Medina.

Levillier, "Nueva Crón. de la Conq.", t. II y III.

Levillier, "Gobern. del Tucum.", t. II

P. Lozano, "Hist. de la Comp .... ", t. I

Levilier, "Prob. demer. de los Conquist.". Inform de serv. de Argañarás, declarac. de Pedro Díaz de Herrera

Fray Pacífico Otero, "Dos héroes de la Conquista".

Revista de B. Aires, t. VIII.

Arch. del Conv. de Sant. del Est., t I, N. 75 - De "Lib. de Apunt. de Mons. Cabrera"

San Mateo, c. IX.

Rómulo D. Carbia, "Hist. Ecles. del Río de la Plata", t. I.

Mons. Abel Bazán y Bustos. "Nociones de Hist. Ecles. Argent."

Levillier, "Organ. de la Iglesia, etc.".

Levillier, "Papeles de los Gobernadores", t. I.

Salmo XVIII, v. 5.

Arch. del Obisp. de Córdoba, Leg. 56, t. I, N. 41, Conv. Frandsc. de Córdoba, Año 1578-1678.

"Hist. del Parag.", Lib. IV; trad. al castéllano por el P. Pablo Hemández, S. J. Madrid, 1919.

"Hist. de la Coquista", t. 4, c. XIV, p. 403.

Arch. de Trib., Caj. 1638-1640.

Compendio de Leyes y De e. de la Prov. de Jujuy, t. I.

Arch. del Gobierno, Leg, 1822 y 1823 -Correspond, y docum. año 1836 -44.

"Relación Geográf de Indias" -Public. del Minist de Fomento del Perú, t. II.

Levillier, "Prrob. de mért. y serv. de los Conquist.", t. II.

"Cartas Anuas de, la Prov. de Paraguay de la Compañía de Jesús", 1609-1614.

Federico Gonzáles Suárez, "Hist. General de la Rep. del Ecuad.", t. III.

J. Toscano, "El Prim. Obisp. de Tucum".




How to Cite

The Oclayas Indians and their doctrineros in the 17th Century. (1932). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 19(9/10), 196-316.