The white Quebracho
White Quebracho, Aspidosperma, SchlechtendahlAbstract
Monograph of the Quebracho Blanco, Aspidosperma, Quebracho Blanco Schlechtendahl, containing the history, geography, trade and botanical description of the Quebracho Blanco, as well as the description of the chemical substances of its composition and the use of them in pharmacy and medicine.
1° General part; 2° Detailed botanical description; 3° Botanical description of the bark; 4° Chemistry; 5° Pharmacology.
Rosenthal -Synopsis plantarnm diaphoricarum. -Erlangen 1862.
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Schaer, E. -Ueber Cortex Quebracho (Archiv der Pharmacie) 1881.
Mumillo, Plantes médic. du Chili.
Edw. Rothlin (Tesis de La Plata 1918) encuentra aspidospermina y aspidospermicina.
Martius: Nova genera et species plantarum, quas in itinere per Brasiliam collegit.-Monachii, 1824-32.
Wappaeus: Obra geográfica -Patagonia, la República Argentina, Uruguay y Paraguay.
Burmeister: Buenos Aires, 1862, T. II.
Schlechtendahl, F. L. von: Deber den Quebracho der Argentinischen Staaten.-Botanische Zeitung, 1861, pág.
Grisebach, A.: La vegetación del globo, t. II, (1872).
Lorentz, P. G.: Notizen aus Argentinien. -Botanisches Centralblatt 1880.
Bentham et Hooker: Genera plantarum II.
Napp, Richard: Die Argentinisrhe Republik.-Im Auftrage des argentinischen Centralcomités für die Philadelphia-Ausstellung 1876. -Buenos Aires, 1876.
Copyright (c) 1926 Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

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