About a case of Tabetic Amaurosis


  • Jose J. Moyano Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Tabetic Amaurosis, disease


33 year old patient admitted to the Hospital Clínicas, to the service of Prof. Dr. Ignacio Martinez.
At the age of 22, he develops an ulceration on the penis, which appears four or five days after intercourse: painful, not accompanied by lymph node infarction, healing uneventfully shortly after, with an antiseptic treatment. At the age of 25, he contracted a second ulceration, whose date of onset after coitus he could not specify, as he was living a marital life at that time. This was accompanied by a lymph node infarction and secondary specific accidents, roseola headache, osteopathic pain, etc., which bothered him for some time (3-4 months) and which healed without specific treatment.

Author Biography

  • Jose J. Moyano, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Doctor, former Chief of Neurological Clinic, seconded to the Chair of Medical Clinic of the School of Medicine of Córdoba.


l. Mohr y Staehelin: Medicina interna.

2. Charcot: Maladles du systeme nerveux.

3. Kimborg: Medicina interna.

4. Pedro Marie: Enfermedades del sistema nervioso.

5. Opemheim: Id., id.

6. Raymond: Id., id.

7. Dejerine: Maladles du systema nerveux.

8. Lewandosky: Id., id.

9. Grasset: F.lsiopatología clínica (III tomo).

10. Rómulo Gil: Alteraciones oculares en los tumores hipofisiarios. Buenos Aires, 1914. (Prensa Méd. Argentina).

11. F. Terrien: Complicaciones oculares en las enfemedades generales. (Prensa Méd. Argentina-Abril 20·1915).

12. Dres. D. Cabred y Raffo: Parálisis general progresiva y spirochaeta pálida. (Prensa Médica Argentina-Oct. 10-1914).

13. Dr. Mariano R. Castex: Sobre tumores. (Prensa Méd. Arg.).

14. Dres. A. Nocetti y B. H. Houssay: Tumores hipofisiarios. (Prensa Méd. Arg.- Julio 10-1914.

15. Dieulafoy: Patología Interna y lesiones clínicas.

16. Parinaud: citado por DieuIafoy.







How to Cite

About a case of Tabetic Amaurosis. (1916). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 3(7), 241-253. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/REUNC/article/view/5677