Sociology of folklore



Sociologist, Law and social sciences, Jurist


There is a whole series of facts that common sense generically calls folklore, which are of a vulgar character and have a great diffusion among the people. At the same time, there is a discipline that groups and studies them, called the Science of Folklore ... . Such is the object of the present investigation, but not with the purpose of doing it as a folklorologist, who is a specialized theoretical scientist, but with a sociological criterion, in order to consider the generic aspect of the folkloric fact, thus establishing precise and definite conclusions on this very new branch of sociology, which we can simply call Sociology of folklore.


Author Biography

  • Alfredo Poviña, National University of Córdoba

    ALFREDO PROVIÑA (1904 - 1986) - Observatorio ALAS

    lfredo Poviña (San Miguel de Tucumán, 1904 - 1986). Argentine sociologist considered one of the main exponents and practitioners of Latin American sociology.

    D. from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the National University of Cordoba in 1930 with his thesis Sociology of the Revolution. Since that year professor of sociology at the same faculty. Between 1939 and 1943 he directs the Revista de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. In 1939 he was appointed assistant professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires and in 1948 full professor of that chair until 1952. Dean of the aforementioned faculty between 1962-1967 and 1977-1982.

    He held the chair of Sociology at the Faculties of Law and Social Sciences and of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba between 1955-1970. He was a professor at the National University of Tucumán and in other high centers of study in America. Member and president of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Córdoba (1974-1984).

    He was also the founder of the Argentine Academy of Sociology and the Latin American Sociological Association (ALAS) and its first president between 1951-1964. He was also President of the International Institute of Sociology (1963-1969).

    Poviña attempted a quite successful synthesis of the conceptual historicism of Max Weber with the inductive sociology of Émile Durkheim.


    Alfredo Poviña (20 de may de 2022). On Wikipedia.


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RALPH STEELE BOGGS: Folkiore, en "Handbook of Latín American Studies". 1941, N°. 7. -Cambridge. -Harvad University Press. 1942.

RALPH STEELE BOGGS: El folklore, definición, ciencia y arte. -Imprenta Universitaria - México, 1944.

RALPH STEELE BOGGS: Clasificación del folklore. -"Folklore Américas". June 1944. Vol. IV, N•. l.

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AUGUSTO RAUL CORTAZAR: Panorama y perspectiva de nuestro folklore, en Verbum ("Revista del Centro Je Estudiantes de Filosofía y Letras de Bue-nos Aires"). Diciembre de 1942. Núms. 2 y 3.

AUGUSTO RAUL CORTAZAR: Hacia.. la investigación folklórica integral. (Una tentativa en el "Valle Calchaqui de Salta). En "Revista de la Universidad de Buenos Aires" Abril-Junio de 1944.

AUGUSTO RAUL CORTAZAR; Confluencias culturales en el Folklore Argentino. (Institución cultural española). - Buenos Aires, 1944.

MAURICE R. DAVIE: Folkways, en "Encycloped1a of the Social Sdence". -Mac Millan. Vol. V-VI.

J. IMBELLONI: Concepto y práctica del folklore como ciencia. -Editorial Humanior. -Buenos Aires, 1943.

ARTHUR RAMOS: Defínicao e limites do Folk-lore. -"Revista Brasileira". Publicada pela Academia Brasileira de Letras. -Río de Janeiro. Año III, N•. 5. Marco de 1943.

P. SAINTYVES: Manual de Folklore. (Traducción inédita de María Angélica La Rocca, para el Instituto de Arqueología, Lingüística y Folklore de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).

ADOLFO SALAZAR: Las grandes estructuras de la música. -La Casa de España en México, 1940.

PAUL SEBILLOT: Le folk-lore (Littérature orale et Ethnographie traditionnelle). París. Doin, 1913·

WILLIAM GRAHAM SUMNER:'' Folkways (A study of the sociological importance of usages, manners, customs, mores and morals). -Ginn and Company.

A. VAN GENNEP: La formación de las leyendas. -Editorial Futuro. -Buenos Aires, 1943.

CARLOS VEGA: Panorama de la música popular argentina. -Losada. Buenos Aires, 1944.







How to Cite

Sociology of folklore. (1944). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 31(5), 1551-1598.