The Dean Doctor Don Gregorio Funes


  • Carlos Antonio Luque Colombres Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Law, History, Biography, Gregorio Funes


This monograph develops the ancestry in America of Dr. Gregorio Funes through its different branches. It shows us how the history of Peru, Chile, Rio de la Plata, Paraguay and Tucumán, had among the protagonists of its most salient facts the ancestors of the Cordovan Dean, some of which penetrate with their lineage in the legendary pre-Hispanic era. At the same time, we have the opportunity to exhume ignored names of conquerors, peacemakers and colonizers, paired with others already famous whose biographies we limit ourselves to remember. If we were to expand these news and systematize them with a generic criterion, we could reconstruct on these lives a great part of the history of Spanish South America, from 1535 to the middle of the XVIII century.

Author Biography

  • Carlos Antonio Luque Colombres, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Carlos Antonio Luque Colombres was born in Córdoba in 1909 and died in the same city in 1994. He studied at the Colegio Nacional de Monserrat of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and received his law degree from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the same university in 1933.
    the same university in 1933. Before graduating, he had worked as an assistant in the Library of the Legislature of Córdoba; intern in the law firm of the lawyers Santiago Beltrán and Santiago Beltrán, and in the law firm of
    Santiago Beltrán and Santiago Beltrán Gavier. Already as a lawyer, he became a public prosecutor and at the same time he worked as secretary-counselor of the Provincial Department of Labor until 1936, when the radical Amadeo Sabattini assumed the governorship of Córdoba. For a long period, from 1935 to 1970, he was the legal representative of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales. He had a long career at the National University of Córdoba. He was rector's delegate at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities between 1952 and 1954; Delegate and Dean successively at the same Faculty. Dean successively in the same Faculty in 1954. In March 1977 he was again in charge of the Dean's Office, a position he held again from June 1981 until December 1983, when he was 1981 until December 1983, when the new constitutional authorities took office in the country. the country. He had served as Director of the School of History of the FFyH from 1963 to 1969 and from June 1976 to the present. 1969 and from June 1976 to the same month of 1981.


A. C., Libro II de Bautizados, fs. 61 r. in finfl v. 6 y Publicada por el doctor J. FRANCISCO V. SILVA, en Centenario del Deán Funes, Córdoba, 1929, pág. 14.

A. C., Libro I de Matrimonios, fs. 234; A. T., Prot., escr. 2, leg. 6, fs. 128; J. FRANCISCO V. SILVA, El libertador Bolivar y el Deán Funes en la política argentina, Madrid, 1916, pág. 66.

A. C., Libro I de Bautismos, fs. 163 v.; Libro I de Matrimonios, fs. 176; A. T., Prot., escr. 1, leg. 132, fs. 355.

A. C., Libro I de Matrimonios, fs. 176 v.; A. T., Pro t., escr. 1, leg. 130, fs. 175; SILVA, op. cit., pág. 66.

A. C., Libro I de Matrimonios, fs. 89 v. ;A. T., Prot., escr. 1, leg. 98, s/f; A. M., libro XVIII (MS), fs. 154 v. y libro XIX (MS), fs. 138 v.

A. C., Libro I de Bautismos ,fs. 46: A. T., Exp., escr. 1. leg. 172, exp. 7; A. M., libro XVI (MR), fs 211 y libro XVII (MS). fs. 26 v.

A. T ., Exp., escr. 1, leg. 206 ,exp. 11; A. C., Libro I de Matrimonios, fs. 147; Archivo de la. Merced, de Buenos Aires, Libro de Matrimonios; Archivo del Arzobispado de Buenos Aires, Informaciones Matrimoniales, legajo 5, Nº li; Archivo de Tribunales de Buenos Aires, Protocolos, tomo 51, pág. 635 y siguientes.

A. T., Exp., escr. 1, leg 222, exp. 6; A. C., Libro I de Matrimonios, fs. 93.







How to Cite

The Dean Doctor Don Gregorio Funes. (1943). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 30(5/6), 461-516.