Etymological technique and Andean etymology


  • León Strube Erdmann Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Americanistas


Anthropology, Indigenous, Etymology


The educated reader does not need a previous review of the etymological history because any major encyclopedia or dictionary is within his reach to enlighten him on the eventful life of this noble discipline we call etymology. It is even less necessary to present him with a philosophical analysis of the word Etymology and the multiple applications it has undergone through the centuries.

Author Biography

  • León Strube Erdmann, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Americanistas

    He was born in Bishoftein, East Prussia, on April 14, 1883. He attended high school in Neisse (Silesia), completed his university studies at St. Gabriel of Modling (Austria), and Ethnology with Wilhem Schmidt. He was a high school teacher in Chile and at the German school in La Paz (Bolivia).


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DEETERS GERH: Vergleichende Sptrachforschung, en Lehrbuch der V¨ölkerkunde ... (Preuss-Turnwald) Stuttgart, 1938.

FROEBER, DR. PABLO: Toponimia Araucana; en Gaea II. N°. 1. B. Aires, 1926.

DURAN JUAN: Etimolegías Perú-Bolivianas. La Paz (Bolivia), 1921.

ENGLERT, P. SEBASTIAN: Los elementos derivados del aymará y quichua en el idioma araucano. Universidad de Chile, 1934.

IMBELLONI JOSÉ: Lenguas Indígenas del Territorio Argentino, en Historia de la Nación Argentina (2a. edic.) pág. 203. B. Aires, 1939.

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LAFONE QUEVEDO: Tesoro de Catarnarqueñismos, 3a. edic. B. Aires, 1927.







How to Cite

Etymological technique and Andean etymology. (1943). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 30(5/6), 419-459.