New technologies for teaching Physics: interactive videos with H5P


  • Adriana del Carmen Cuesta Laboratorio de Innovación Educativa en Física - Departamento de Física - Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Av. Lib. San Martín Oeste 1109, 5400 San Juan, Argentina.
  • María Natacha Benavente Fager Laboratorio de Innovación Educativa en Física - Departamento de Física - Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Av. Lib. San Martín Oeste 1109, 5400 San Juan, Argentina.



H5P, Interactive video, Adaptive content, Significant learning, Physical optics


This work refers to the development of interactive videos using the H5P tool, available on the Moodle platform, and its implementation
for the teaching of Physical Optics in Physics II subject of the engineering careers at the National University of San Juan. The H5P
application allows the creation of resources with enriched content, which facilitates differentiated learning, since the educational experience is not linear but adaptive. With the development of interactive digital resources and their subsequent implementation in the
virtual classroom, the aim was to promote meaningful learning and the active participation of students in the construction of their own


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Investigación en Enseñanza de la Física

How to Cite

New technologies for teaching Physics: interactive videos with H5P. (2021). Journal of Physics Teaching, 33(2), 161-168.