Misinterpretations in the relativistic mass-energy relationship
REVISTA DE ENSEÑANZA DE LA FÍSICA, Vol. 36, n.o 2 (2024) 162
A widespread story in popular science and in relativity manuals is that in 1905, Albert Einstein (1905) discovered that
mass and energy are associated by a simple mathematical relationship: E = mc2. Although the mass-energy relationship
has become a symbol of the Special Theory of Relativity and Albert Einstein, the emergence of this equation predates
both Relativity and Einstein (Ives, 1952, Martins, 1989, 2012, 2015, Fadner, 2008). The mass-energy relationship
emerged as a result of studies on the dynamics of the electron. Later, this research tradition was incorporated into
the recently appeared Theory of Special Relativity, based on the work of Poincaré, Einstein, Minkowski and Planck
(Martins, 2015).
To better understand the relationship in question, we will introduce two physical examples. The first, proposed by
Poincaré (1900), suggests that radiation possesses inertia. Thus, when we attempt to deflect a beam of light, it will
exhibit a resistance expressed by the relation M=E/c2. In this way, it is possible to associate a mass with light, known
as maupertuisian mass or Poincaré mass (Martins, 1989, 2012).
The second example is drawn from Einstein's original essay of 1905. According to the German physicist, the energy
content also contributes to the total inertia of a system. Therefore, when a radioactive salt emits radiation (energy),
its inertia decreases in proportion to M=E/c2. This implies that whenever the energy of a closed system varies, its
inertia also varies. For this reason, the Sun loses mass as it emits radiation into outer space. Additionally, a heated
body exhibits greater inertia compared to its cooled state.
In a global sense, the mass-energy relationship applies to closed systems that are not subject to external
pressures, allowing for the consideration of the total mass and total energy of a system as interconnected,
regardless of its specific location (Martins, 2012). This means that in an isolated system, a change in energy
will result in a corresponding change in mass, even if the system is in motion or in different positions in
Furthermore, the invariance of the mass-energy relationship is another fundamental characteristic that makes it
essential in physics. Rest mass is an invariant quantity, associated with the norm of the 4-momentum, while energy,
which corresponds to the time component of the 4-momentum, depends on the reference frame because it involves
both rest mass and the object's linear momentum. The famous equation E=mc² is valid only in the center-of-mass
frame, where linear momentum is zero, and energy is exclusively determined by the rest mass. In other reference
frames, energy includes the contribution of motion, making it a quantity that varies depending on the observer.
In a historical perspective, the first record of this equation occurred in 1900, in a work by Poincaré (1900), entitled
The Reaction Principle in Lorentz Theory (cf Martins, 1989, 2012, 2015, Fadner, 2008). At that time, it seemed that
Lorentz electrodynamics was irreconcilable with the Principle of Action and Reaction (and therefore with the Conser-
vation of Linear Momentum). Lorentz suggested that the new mechanics should give up this principle (Poincaré, 1908),
however, Poincaré believed that it would be possible to make a compromise. Thus, in 1900, Poincaré, taking the prin-
ciple of relativity as a starting point, showed that if radiation behaved like a subtle fluid, with a center of mass and
whose inertia was measured by the ratio of its energy and the speed of light squared c, then it would be possible to
preserve the reaction principle in Lorentz theory. Later, it seems that Poincaré abandoned this conception in favor of
rejecting the principle of conservation of momentum (Poincaré, 1908).
In 1904, F. Hasenöhrl, based on M. Abraham's studies on the radiation pressure in moving mirrors, showed that a
box full of radiation presented greater resistance to changes in movement if this box was without radiation (Martins,
1989, 2012, 2015, Fadner, 2008). Hasenöhrl also established the relationship between additional inertia and radiation
energy, however, he made a calculation error and reached the wrong value (Martins, 2015). This error was corrected,
in 1905, by Abraham, and recognized by Hasenöhrl himself: the additional inertia was 4/3 E/c2 (Ives, 1952, Fadner,
2008, Martins, 2012, 2015). In that same year, Poincaré (1905, 1906) showed that the equilibrium of the electron
suffering external distensions, as in the case of the box full of light, required the existence of negative pressures that
resulted in a reduction of inertia by a factor of 1/3. Thus, if a box were filled with radiation, there would be an increase
of 4/3 E/c2 and a decrease of 1/3 E/c2, due to the Poincaré pressures, so the net increase in inertia would be E/c2 .
In 1905, after the publication of the works of Abraham, Hasenöhrl and Poincaré, Einstein “showed” that this equa-
tion was a consequence of the Principle of Relativity (Einstein, 1905). We put the word “showed” in quotation marks
because in 1907, Planck challenged Einstein's deduction, showing that it was valid only as a first-order approximation
(Planck, 1907; cf. Ives, 1952). However, the most serious objection was presented by Ives (1952) who argued that
Einstein begged the question and therefore the deduction was not valid. In this work, Ives argues that the valid de-
ductions are those proposed by Poincaré and Hasenhörl (Ives, 1952). In defense of Einstein, Stachel and Torretti
showed that Einstein's deduction is locally valid (Stachel, Torretti, 1982).
In addition to the syntactic issues discussed by Planck (1907), Ives (1952), and Stachel & Torretti (1982), such as
Einstein's potential petitio principii—where he posits the energetic terms that he later seeks to deduce—there are