Conceptual development through computer simulations
REVISTA DE ENSEÑANZA DE LA FÍSICA, Vol. 33, no. 2 (2021) 530
at an integrated conceptual understanding (Lowe, 2004). Some studies probed into the ways simulations can partici-
pate in conceptual development at a finer grain level, using Coordination Class Theory (diSessa & Sherin, 1998) as a
theoretical lens (Kluge, 2019; Sengupta et al., 2015 and Parnafes, 2007) Within this view of learning, these authors
were able to reveal how the representations provided by these devices participate in certain mechanisms of concep-
tual change.
Kluge (2019) showed, for the case of a situation involving a heat pump, that the simulation is a meeting point
between theory, existing knowledge and experience. It enables students to connect previous knowledge with physical
principles. The study also shows that simulation caters for exploring by incorporation and displacement, disregarding
some aspects and focusing on others. These issues are crucial for the process of conceptual learning.
Sengupta et al. (2015) were able to identify that conceptually integrated video games could favor and support
conceptual change by helping students bootstrap their intuitive reasoning about the physical world. This work was
carried out on the concept of force and the authors report that specific traits of video games can help students make
contact with the physical world and therefore to activate additional productive intuitive resources.
Parnafes (2007) showed that multiple representations make conceptual inconsistencies explicit, and that, in addi-
tion, the interactive dynamics of the simulation builds bridges between the real world and other representations.
In spite of the valuable contributions of these authors to the understanding of how simulations can participate in
different mechanisms of conceptual change, there are good reasons to go further in this direction. The existing studies
were carried out in particular contexts and given the context dependence of the phenomenon studied, it is important
to find out whether the same dynamics are replicated or if new ones can be unveiled. Also, while previous research
has reported how some specific features of the simulations participate in conceptual development, it is key this inter-
action between simulation and students' reasonings unfolds as the problem-solving task occurs, and what different
learning opportunities arise in each moment.
The goal of our research is to unveil the potentialities of computer simulations for specific stages of conceptual
learning during problem solving as described by Coordination Class Theory. In particular, we analyze the case of a
problem situation involving the analysis of a Carnot cycle, addressed by undergraduate students.
Coordination Class Theory was born as a proposal to add precision to the description of the conceptual change process.
The main purpose was to clearly define the meaning of the term “concept” and to focus on the process of conceptual
change (diSessa & Sherin, 1998). Within this perspective, knowing a concept consists of being able to get relevant
information from the world, across varied situations (diSessa, 2002).
A Coordination Class is a model for particular kinds of concepts, among which are physics concepts. The main
function of a Coordination Class is to allow people to read a particular kind of information out of situations in the
world. This reading takes place through specific processes and strategies. Many of the difficulties people have are
related to the context and circumstances in which they carry out those particular strategies and processes.
The architecture of a coordination class includes two elements: extraction and inferential net (diSessa, Sherin &
Levin, 2016). Extractions allow people to focus their attention on certain information of the phenomenon at hand. The
inferential net is the total set of inferences people make to turn those information read-outs into the required relevant
According to this theory, “using” a concept in different contexts may well imply retrieving different pieces of
knowledge and/or articulating them in different ways. The particular knowledge and the particular way it is coordi-
nated in specific applications of the concept is called a concept projection. When projecting a class, students bring in
different elementary pieces of knowledge (incorporations), they establish links between those elements (connections),
create elements of the inferential net (inferences) or disregard some of them, (displacements)
Typically, students exhibit two characteristic difficulties in creating a new coordination class: the problem of span,
and the problem of alignment. Span refers to the ability (or lack thereof) to recruit and coordinate the elements of the
class in a sufficiently large set of contexts in which the concept is relevant. Alignment refers to the possibility of ob-
taining the same relevant information by means of different projections of the concept.
The theory also establishes a stronger form of alignment: articulate alignment, or articulation. Articulation happens
when students are not only able to determine the relevant information in different circumstances, but can also explic-
itly relate those different projections, noting differences and similarities between them. This stronger form of align-
ment is a metaconceptual process which is a natural extension of the theory in its original form. figure 1 shows a
schematic diagram of these elements (Buteler & Coleoni, 2016). For more details, we suggest addressing diSessa and
Wagner (2005).