Mejoramiento de los espacios residuales producidos por la infraestructura vial.

Caso Nudo Vial “El Tropezón”. Córdoba, Argentina.


  • Sandra Elizabeth Paez Unversidad Nacional de Cordoba



vacío isla, espacio residual, corredor verde, paisaje urbano



The present work proposes the study for the improvement of the residual spaces produced by the road infrastructure. The initial question of this work was: Is it possible to integrate these residual spaces in the urban landscape? Can the environmental impact produced by works of this magnitude be improved?

The chosen case is the road node "El Tropezón", from the city of Córdoba, where the problem of road junctions in cities is studied, about the residual spaces produced by these, also called empty-island

As it is not possible to create places of use in these gaps due to the lack of safety and habitability, it is proposed to incorporate them into the urban landscape through environmental improvement actions that allow act like conectors in a sistem of biologics corridors.

In this way, a new landscape model will be formed at a territorial scale where urban development does not mean a deterioration of the landscape.


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How to Cite

Mejoramiento de los espacios residuales producidos por la infraestructura vial.: Caso Nudo Vial “El Tropezón”. Córdoba, Argentina. (2020). PENSUM, 6(6), 117-135.