Estudio en fase II de Nevelbine + Cisplatino + etopósido en el tratamiento de cáncer de pulmón no células pequeñas inoperable
40 patients with advanced non-small cell luna cancer lot previously treated were included in a study at puase II with vinorelbine 20 mg/Sq.m days 1 and 8, etoposide 60 mg/sq.m days 1-3 and cisplatin 75 mg/sq.m day 1 1 each 28 days for 6 cycles.
There were 31 iiien and 9 women, being the average age of 54 years, with "performance Status" grade 0-2. Al! of theni could be cvaluated for toxicity and 31 for responsiveness. 10 patients were 11 stage ilib and 21 at stage W. 42% of objective responses 'ere obtained and an overa!] survival of 9 iionths, which justifies fiirther studies.
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