internacionalización de la Educación Superior en América Latina: La contribución del programa





9-12 septiembre, 2019 Mar del Plata, Argentina

About ‘CAMINO A FIESA 2020’

The Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP), together with the Secretary of University Policy of the Argentine Republic (SPU), the National University Council of Argentina (CIN) and the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM) are collaborating to organize a week of discussions (9-13 September, 2019) entitled “CAMINO A FIESA 2020”. Involving the university community in Argentina, Latin America as well as strategic European partners, this week is dedicated to debating and planning thematic agenda of the FIESA conference that will take place in Mar del Plata in 2020.

The CAMINOS project, an Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project involving universities and associations in five Latin American countries and in Europe, has decided to organize its final conference in the framework of the “CAMINO A FIESA 2020” week and to extend an invitation to other projects of a similar nature in Latin America. It considered a unique opportunity to gather E+ projects with similar goals in the field of international cooperation and contribute to the agenda of the FIESA conference 2020.

CAMINOS promotes the notion that the only way to generate sustainable results and guarantee adequate impact of E+ projects, both at the institutional and the policy level, is to generate synergies, share experiences and results and join forces where possible. Hence, the CAMINOS project, together with the organizers of the CAMINO A FIESA week, is happy to open its final conference to all E+ project coordinators and partners that wish to participate in the discussions.

About the CAMINOS project

CAMINOS is an Erasmus+ project that has aimed to generate more and better quality inter-university mobility of students and staff in the Latin American region, premised on exiting good practice from Europe and from other existing networks/inter-university agreements in Latin America. It has developed a Guide for management of mobility in Latin America, aimed at linking and enhancing exisiting Latin American bi/multi-lateral student and staff mobility programmes. The project has generated a greater focus on the

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impact of mobility on regional Latin American development, notably through enhancing and promoting mobility in the context of regionally focused study programmes that tackle common development challenges. It has also built the capacity of university associations and networks to work collaboratively to manage and sustain mobility programmes with specific focus regional integration objectives. The project has linked universities, associations and networks in five Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia) with European partners and actors:


‘FIESA’ is the ‘Feria Internacional de Educación Superior Argentina’. It celebrated its first edition in Mendoza in 2018 with the objective to position the Argentinian higher education sector within Latin America and globally and to help Argentinian universities to develop and deliver upon their internationalization ambitions, for the enhancement of teaching and learning, research and impact on society. FIESA 1 had more than 600 participants from over 20 countries, representing universities, civil society, international organizations and policy makers. It offered 20 workshops on topical thematic issues and offered an exhibition space to over 100 exhibitors. FIESA 2 is being hosted in Mar del Plata in March 2020 with the objective to engage the international higher education community around the theme of ‘Strategic Values for Higher Education Internationalization’. FIESA 2020 expects to receive more than 1000 participants, to count with over 300 exhibitors from institutions, agencies and countries all over the world and to have around 50 thematic workshops.

For more information

About the CAMINOS Final conference

As the CAMINOS project is concluding, partners are offering to final conference with the following objectives:

To promote the outcomes of the CAMINOS project and its implications for both the university management of mobility and the cooperation between Latin American universities and associations when it comes to internationalizing the HE sector.

To promote the results of/plans for all Erasmus+ projects that are currently dealing with issues related to internationalization, such as recognition of studies, management of international offices and student services, internationalization of the curricula, internationalization of research, recognition, internationalization of research etc.

To discuss synergies between such projects and how their results can be put to common use in the region and in building bridges between Europe and South America

To discuss the sustainability of the CAMINOS project in light of other projects results, the future of the E+ and development in the Latin American Higher Education Space (ENLACES)/cooperation in the EU-Latin America policy framework.

To discuss contributions of E+ projects to the FIESA conference 2020.

To discuss how FIESA can promote and utilize E+ projects.

To contribute to the programme design of the FIESA conference.

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Lunes 9 de septiembre (CAMINO A FIESA)

Llegada de participantes a Mar del Plata

15:00-18:00hs Reunión de AUGM y comité de organización de FIESA 2020 (abierta a proyectos E+ - Agenda TBC)

18:00 La articulación de la internacionalización de la educación superior y la investigación en los diferentes espacios de integración bi-regional : Argentina, América Latina y Europa (Secretarias de Política Universitaria y de Ciencia y tecnología del Ministerio de Educación de la República Argentina, AUGM, OEI, OBREAL)

19:30 Coctel de bienvenida – Universidad de Mar del Plata

Martes 10 de septiembre – Conferencia Final de Caminos y CAMINO A FIESA 2020

9:30 Bienvenida oficial

10:00 Presentación general de la reunión y sus objetivos

10:30. La contribución a la integración de la educación superior en América Latina de los proyectos E+ Presentaciones de AUGM, ASCUN + Comisión Europea.

11:30 Café

12:00 Contribuciones a la internacionalización de universidades en América Latina : Panel de proyectos Erasmus+

13:30 Almuerzo

14:30 Grupos temáticos de discusión (se espera que socios y coordinadores de diferentes proyectos E+ participen de las discusiones junto con expertos argentinos y regionales miembros de AUGM, CIN, y otras redes internacionales)

Grupo 1: Reconocimiento

Grupo 2: Gestión de oficinas de relaciones internacionales

Grupo 3: Internacionalización de la investigación

Grupo 3: Internacionalización de la currícula

16:30 Repaso de los grupos

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17:00 Fin

20:00 Cena oficial

Miércoles 11 de septiembre

10:00 Grupos temáticos de discusión (se espera que socios y coordinadores de diferentes proyectos E+ participen de las discusiones junto con expertos argentinos y regionales miembros de AUGM, CIN, y otras redes internacionales)

Grupo 1: Integración regional en América Latina y movilidad académica

Grupo 2: Internacionalización y desarrollo regional/local

Grupo 3: Internacionalización estratégica y evaluación de impacto

11:30 Café

12:00. Repaso de los grupos y discusión sobre sinergias entre proyectos +Recomendaciones para sinergias y promocionando resultados

13:00 Almuerzo

14:30 Sostenibilidad de E+ y su contribución e impacto en la región: nuevos proyectos y iniciativas Efectos spin-off, nuevos proyectos y próximos pasos en el espacio ENLACES

15:30 Café

15:45 Presentación: Conferencia FIESA 2020 + Discusión de organización temática

16:30 Presentación de conclusiones de la conferencia: Hacia FIESA 2020.

17:00 Cierre

Jueves 12 de septiembre (Actividades Paralelas)

Espacio para reuniones bilaterales (todos los participantes)

Reuniones bi-laterales CAMINOS discusión de temas financieros

Reunión del comité organizador FIESA

Reunión de gestión – PMT del proyecto CAMINOS

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