The psychoanalytic clinic through cinema the suffering in the register of the singular (violence, psychoanalysis, cinema)


  • Jean Jacques Moscovitz



Violence, Cruelty, ISIS, Affirmationism, Sublimation


The text proposes to consider the affinity of cinema and psychoanalysis. Through the analysis of films like Heaven will wait or Salafistes, the author interprets that the active uptake of adolescents by movements like ISIS, would return them to the initial amorphous, the non-life, the link with reality would be erased. ISIS would subject these young people to a deadly seizure, revealing the impulse of seizure with an active purpose (that of killing) and a passive end (that of killing oneself) merging the places of executioner and victim. ISIS announces the cruelty in Hollywood mode from images that reflect a kind of affirmation, with tortures that lead youth to death. The author also reflects on the sublimation of violence and its consequences in the discourse and practice of psychoanalysis.


Comolli, J.-L. (2016). Daech, le cinéma et la mort, París, Verdier.

Freud, S. (1971). Malaise dans la civilisation, París, PUF, p. 41 [trad. esp., desde donde se tomó la traducción de aquí abajo: «El malestar en la cultura», en Obras completas, traducción de J. L. Etcheverry, Vol. XXI, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu, 1986, p. 114-115].




How to Cite

The psychoanalytic clinic through cinema the suffering in the register of the singular (violence, psychoanalysis, cinema). (2018). Ética Y Cine Journal, 8(2), 19-23.