The impact of the preventive, social and mandatory isolation (psmi) on air quality in a sector of the upper valle de Río Negro and Neuquén


  • Carolina Di Nicolo Dra. en Geografía (UNLP)/ Lic. en Geografía. Dpto. de Geografía - Facultad de Humanidades – (UNCo).
  • Flavio Abarzua Prof. en Geografía.  Dpto. de Geografía - Facultad de Humanidades – (Universidad Nacional del Comahue).
  • Lara Della Ceca Dra. en Ciencias Naturales Universidad Nacional La Plata


This article analyzes the air quality in a sector of the Upper Valley of Rio Negro and Neuquén during some weeks corresponding to the Social, Preventive and Obligatory Isolation (ASPO) established in Argentina from the Decree of Necessity and Urgency product of the pandemic by the COVID-19. Mention is made of environmental effects at different territorial scales and after an approach to the dynamics of the Upper Valley, constituted by a large concentration of population and an important vehicular circulation, the central purpose of the work is emphasized.

For the study, maps were prepared showing the behavior of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on previous dates and during quarantine, which show a decrease in air pollution. Likewise, data referring to vehicular traffic and the sale of fuels are presented, in the context of the national and provincial measures adopted.

The preliminary results obtained show the relationship between the improvement in air quality and the reduction in vehicular circulation, which constitutes one of the causes of air pollution. Likewise, they show that the PSMI left evidence that air quality is an issue to be considered on the public agenda and that its conditions are related to social actions.

The work is carried out on the basis of primary and secondary sources. The first correspond to data from the Sentinel 5p sensor of the European Space Agency (ESA); of the Road Observatory of the municipality of the city of Neuquén; Neuquén Police Traffic Directorate, and the Chamber of Fuel Vendors of the provinces of Neuquén and Rio Negro. Regarding secondary sources, we worked with specific bibliography, data from the National Population, Household and Housing Census, 2010 (NPHHC) and with information published in regional and national newspapers.


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Author Biographies

  • Carolina Di Nicolo, Dra. en Geografía (UNLP)/ Lic. en Geografía. Dpto. de Geografía - Facultad de Humanidades – (UNCo).

    Dra. en Geografía (UNLP)/ Lic. en Geografía. Dpto. de Geografía - Facultad de Humanidades – (UNCo).

  • Flavio Abarzua, Prof. en Geografía.  Dpto. de Geografía - Facultad de Humanidades – (Universidad Nacional del Comahue).

    Prof. en Geografía.  Dpto. de Geografía - Facultad de Humanidades – (Universidad Nacional del Comahue). Doctorando en Estudios Sociales Agrarios. (UNC)

  • Lara Della Ceca, Dra. en Ciencias Naturales Universidad Nacional La Plata

    Dra. en Ciencias Naturales (UNLP)/Msc. en Aplicaciones Espaciales de Alerta y Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias (UNC/CONAE). 



2020-12-23 — Updated on 2020-12-31

How to Cite

The impact of the preventive, social and mandatory isolation (psmi) on air quality in a sector of the upper valle de Río Negro and Neuquén. (2020). Cardinalis, 15, 279-302.

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