Examen semiológico de la cavidad bucal en pacientes hipertiroideos tratados con 1 131.


  • J. Presman Prof. Tit. Cont. - Cát. Sem. y Pat. Gral. y Esp
  • B Rosembaum de Jarovbky Jefa de Trabajos Prácticos. Cát. Sem. y Pat. Gral. y Esp.


Iodine Radioisotopes, Diagnosis, Oral


The bucal cavity of 33 hipertiroideans patients treated with 1 131 studied. The 81,8%, of the patients experimented diverse dicenestesics sensations which appeared within the third or fourth days following its application, and then disappeared befare ten days. We remark the importance of the knowledge of this fact to be able to avoid useless dental mutilations. The absence of such manifestations in a patient with an apparently normal mouth is outstanding. It is suggested that the bucal pathology favours the noxious action of 1 131.
