Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 59 (4) 2024
Distribution and habitat. Syntrichia chisosa is al., 1994). It was found growing in intermixed mats
an Afro-American species registered from North with Stereophyllum radiculosum.
to South America, and South Africa (Zander, 1993;
Gallego & Cano, 2007). In Argentina, it has been
Distribution and habitat. This species has a
previously recorded in Salta and Santiago del Estero worldwide cosmopolitan distribution and colonizes a
(Gallego & Cano, 2007; Jimenez et al., 2020).
wide range of niches (Ros et al., 2022). In Argentina,
it has been previously recorded in Salta (Matteri,
Specimens examined.ARGENTINA. Prov. Chaco: 2003), Buenos Aires (Valdés et al., 2021), and
Dpto. General Güemes, Juan José Castelli, a 2 km del Santiago del Estero (Jimenez et al., 2020).
empalme de ruta 5 y 9 (25° 53´ 46.93´´ S, 60° 35´
1.60´´ W), cortícola, abundante, con Frullania sp., Specimens examined.ARGENTINA. Prov. Chaco:
húmedo y soleado, 26-II-2011, Jimenez & Jimenez Dpto. General Güemes, Miraflores, Ea. Catalina
1b (CTES). Dpto. Presidencia de la Plaza, Parque (25° 26´ 49.08´´ S, 61° 32´ 36.29´´ W), monte no
Nacional Chaco (26º 44´ 59.15´´ S, 59º 42´ 59.72´´ aprovechado, en tronco caído con Stereophyllum
W), cortícola sobre Fabaceae, escaso, seco y sombrío, radiculosum, escaso, a media luz, 19-VII-2022,
6-IV-2011, Jimenez & Martín 165c (CTES).
Jimenez et al. 674 (CTES). Dpto. Presidencia de la
Plaza, Parque Nacional Chaco (26º 44´ 59.15´´ S,
4. Tortella humilis (Hedw.) Jenn., Man. Mosses W. 59º 42´ 59.72´´ W), en la “ralera”, cortícola sobre
Quebracho, abundante, húmedo y soleado, 22-I-
012, Jimenez & Martín 314 (CTES). Dpto. Primero
Pennsylvania 96. 1913.
This species is characterized by its oblong- de Mayo, Reserva Educativa Colonia Benítez (27º
lanceolate leaves, broadly acute and short apiculate 19´ 06.02´´ S, 58º 56´ 58.27´´ W), terrícola al borde
at the apex, margins plane and entire, costa with 2 del sendero, entre Doryopterys sp., escaso y muy
stereid bands in transverse section, hydroid strand húmedo, 14-IV-2012, Jimenez et al. 416a (CTES).
and dorsal epidermis absent, and basal laminal cells Dpto. San Fernando, Reserva Natural y Cultural
differentiated across leaf in a v-shaped area (Zander, Caraguatá (27º 23´ 16.7´´ S, 58º 58´ 49.9´´ W),
1993; Sharp et al., 1994).
cortícola, escaso, sombrío y seco, 2-IV-2011, Jimenez
et al. 150 (CTES).
Distribution and habitat. This is a widely
distributed species, being recorded in eastern North 26. Weissia controversa Hedw., Sp. Musc. Frond.
America, northern South America, North Africa, and 67. 1801.
Europe (Sharp et al., 1994). In Argentina, T. humilis
has been previously recorded in the central and
This taxon is differentiated by the lanceolate to
northern regions of the country (Córdoba, Corrientes, oblong-lanceolate shape of the leaves, with a sharply
Formosa, Jujuy, Misiones, Salta, Santa Fe and acute apex ending in a mucro, distinctly incurved
Tucumán) (Matteri, 2003; Alvarez et al., 2023).
margins, and a well-developed costa with two stereid
bands (Sharp et al., 1994; Allen, 2002).
Specimens examined. ARGENTINA. Prov.
Chaco: Dpto. General Güemes, Parque Nacional El
Distribution and habitat. It is a cosmopolitan
Impenetrable (25° 01´ 00.3´´ S, 60° 56´ 40.5´´ W), species that inhabits soil, rocks, and the bases of trees
cortícola en tronco de “itín”, escaso, 11-VI-2023, (Sharp et al., 1994; Allen, 2002). In Argentina, it has
Jimenez et al. 774 (CTES).
been registered from Córdoba and Misiones (Matteri,
25. Trichostomum brachydontium Bruch, Flora
2: 393. 1829.
Specimens examined. ARGENTINA. Prov.
Chaco: Dpto. Presidencia de la Plaza, Parque
Trichostomum brachydontium is characterized by Nacional Chaco (26º 44´ 59.15´´ S, 59º 42´ 59.72´´
the presence of lanceolate leaves, plane margins, short W), al borde del sendero, entre Thelypteridaceae,
excurrent costa that extend into a mucro, and laminal abundante, sombrío y húmedo, 6-IV-2011, Jimenez
cells with multifid papillae (Zander, 1993; Sharp et & Martín 166a (CTES).