Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 58 (4) 2023
The global autocorrelation of morphological
The provenances studied represent three
variability analysis detected spatial structure for complexes from two ecoregions with different
most of the analyzed traits, which could indicate the environmental characteristics. In addition, some of
existence of a joint environment-foliar phenotype these provenances are several hundred kilometers
variation consistent with that observed by Roser apart, so an important geographic isolation can
(2017) at a smaller spatial scale in the same species. be expected considering that pollen dispersal in
The Mantel correlogram revealed the existence Neltuma species (Algarobia section) was estimated
of distribution patterns of phenotypic variation by Bessega et al. (2000) in approximately 31
shown by a positive autocorrelation at geographic meters.
distances with the same geographical location. The
disappearance of this pattern at longer distances speciessuchasNeltumaflexuosa(DC.)C.E.Hughes
may be explained by limited gene flow associated G.P.Lewis (Darquier et al., 2013) and
with short pollen and seed dispersal as described by Neltuma chilensis (Molina) C.E.Hughes
Likewise, previous studies in other mesquite
Bessega et al. (2017). This fact also occurs in other G.P.Lewis (Bessega et al., 2022) show that several
species in addition to the local action of genetic drift of the leaf traits analyzed in this work would have
and a strong family structure (Goncalvez, 2019).
adaptive value, so that they could be affected by
In N. alba, the low dispersal rate determines that the different environmental conditions of local
genetic differentiation increases rapidly over short populations, which may contribute to the observed
distances and the results obtained with the Mantel diversity.
correlogram are consistent with the analysis based
Neighboring families, separated by short
on Moran’s I index, which indicates a marked spatial distances, were highly related, showing high
structure as observed in other studies on N. alba levels of kinship. However, local analysis with
(Teich et al., 2015; Goncalvez, 2019) and other tree the Gi* statistic revealed the existence of both
species (Villareal, 2018; Ortiz et al., 2018). Our hot spots and cold spots within each provenance,
results indicate that phenotypic correlation among suggesting a complex internal structure that could
pairs of individuals would be lost on average at a reduce inbreeding by presenting hot spots with
distance of approximately 50 km. This result might high phenotypic diversity at specific sites within
mostly depend on the region analyzed since in N. populations.
chilensis, a species related to N. alba, Contreras Díaz
The results suggest that traits characterizing
et al. (2021) indicate that provenances separated leaflet size and number, seed size and number
by approximately 40 km do not show evidence of and germination are spatially structured. The
analysis revealed the existence of local phenotypic
The distribution patterns of variation may be patterns, which could be associated with limited
due to geographic or environmental isolation. In gene flow. The observed spatial autocorrelation
the former case individuals mate randomly within a patterns and the high phenotypic diversity among
neighborhood, but are restricted from mating with the provenances could be explained on the basis
more distant members (Wright, 1943). This reduction of the isolation model by distance mediated by
in the phenotypic similarity would be due to the fact restricted gene flow proposed in the present and
that the dispersion of pollen and seeds in the species of other analyses in N. alba and related species
the Algarobia section is generally reduced (between 5 (Bessega et al., 2012; Roser, 2017).
and 31 meters), resulting in a significant decrease in
the relatedness of individuals with increasing spatial
distance separating them (Bessega et al., 2012), author contributionS
and with each mother plant receiving pollen from
approximately seven different male parents (Bessega
MVV collected the material, carried out the
et al., 2017). In other cases, lack of genetic structuring measurements, trials in the nursery, and wrote
associated with geographic origin has been observed, the manuscript, BS carried out the design and
due to the dispersal process, and not to large distances collaborated with the manuscript drafting, JV
(>500 meters), which would not act as a barrier to carried out the experimental design, statistical
pollen flow (Aguirre Morales, 2017). analysis and final manuscript review.