Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 58 (2) 2023
(Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2022). The
main threat to natural H. aphylla populations
The natural regeneration processes of plant in northern Chile is associated with the current
species are currently considered one of the main depletion of the water table, which may be a
problems facing climate change because the real direct cause of the decline in legume populations
effects of this problem on the reproductive rates of (Chavez et al., 2013). Former studies denoted
the species are still unknown (Peters et al., 2012). that the water flux into the aquifer of Pampa del
In this sense, the Atacama Desert is no stranger Tamarugal, is calculated to be between 880 and
to this type of process, mainly because of four 1000 l/s, while the water outflow is estimated
determining factors: 1) the effect of the decrease to be as high as 4000 l/s (Dirección General de
in precipitation recorded at the beginning of Aguas, 2011; Calderón et al., 2015; Viguier et al.,
this century in northern Chile (Soto & Ulloa, 2019). In this ecosystem, groundwater aquifers
997); 2) the decrease in relative soil humidity are the only source of water, which are fed by the
in this area (Neilson et al., 2017); 3) the increase rainfall, glaciers and snowmelt from the Andes
in salinity in high Andean limnetic bodies Mountain range. This shrub has conditions of
Gajardo & Redón, 2019); and 4) the decrease successful natural adaptability in arid soils with
in the groundwater table (Viguier et al., 2019). high salinity (even with electrical conductivities
This type of groundwater has been described as of 182 Ds/m) and nitrogen impoverishment in the
one of the main sources of water supply for the edaphic stratum (León et al., 2017). However,
maintenance of the vegetation present in this the natural regeneration of plant species in this
ecosystem, but the effect of precipitation pulses area is almost null due to the almost nonexistent
or the occurrence of climatic phenomena such precipitation averaging 1 mm/year and the
as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) presence of a saline crust layer on the edaphic
could have some impact on vegetation density surface (León et al., 2017). In this sense, it fails
Squeo et al., 2006). In the past decade Chile has to form a homogeneous shrub stratum, as the
experienced a mega drought, where the presence distribution of individuals on the ground is not
of a strong ENSO during most of 2015 stood out very dense, with individuals that seem to form
Garreaud et al., 2019).
mosaics following the floods that usually occur
The natural regeneration of desert leguminous in this ecosystem (Lewis & Sotuyo, 2010).
species under ENSO conditions has scarcely Once established, adult individuals of Prosopis
been evaluated under field conditions (Kraus et tamarugo Phil., for example, would depend on
al., 2007). The occurrence of this phenomenon the flow of water present at the phreatic level,
is a powerful tool for evaluating this type of which is usually present in the first meters of soil
ecological condition in plants, as precipitation depth owing to its ascent by capillarity (Calderón
and humidity tend to increase in arid areas of et al., 2015). Preliminary results have indicated
northern Chile when ENSO is present (Acosta a favorable increase in the regenerative rates
et al., 2015). The genus Hoffmannseggia Cav. of the species, although this trend should be
Fabaceae) has a wide distribution, including further explored in detail, considering edaphic
the arid and semi-arid regions of Argentina, factors and flooding episodes during the summer
Chile, Peru, and Bolivia in South America, and (Carevic, 2020). Regarding this condition, natural
Mexico and the southwestern United States seed germination could occasionally occur as a
in North America (Kraus et al., 2007). In the result of summer precipitation and water flooding
Atacama Desert, Hoffmannseggia aphylla (Phil.) during ENSO periods and to a lesser extent
G.P. Lewis & Sotuyo (Spanish “retama”) is during Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO)
an endemic phreatophyte shrub legume that periods. However, this effect has not yet been
fixes atmospheric nitrogen, and its distribution explored in this species.
is limited to the northern part of this desert,
Previous studies carried out in arid ecosystems
specifically the Pampa del Tamarugal in northern have reported a positive effect of precipitation
Chile (Lewis & Sotuyo, 2010). Recently, this during ENSO events on the density of plant
species has been considered as “endangered” species growing at low altitudes above sea