Anticipatory governance and foresight Considerations on the draft bill proposal to provide and institutional struture on the future for Chile

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Paola Aceituno


The lack of appreciation of future thinking in public management has often meant that decisions relevant to society have been subject to unexpected effects, failed public policies or erratic courses of action, among other undesired consequences. Until recently, only Finland had a Future Commission in parliament. This public policy began to be replicated in different countries, which has meant creating spaces for an institutional framework for prospective studies, either under the executive or under parliament. Chile, through the Senate's Future Commission, resumed in 2022 the idea begun in 2012, of providing the country with the capacity to anticipate and collectively manage the future, housed in the institutional structure. This objective was led by the Future Commission of the Chilean Senate, which convened a multidisciplinary working group, where former ministers, regional governors, foresight experts, former presidents and international directors of foresight units participated, with the aim of enriching the discussion. . The table met for approximately 8 months, culminating with a proposed bill that proposes a prospective institutional framework. Although the executive's support for this project is still in progress, this document presents the major milestones of this process and shares reflections and experiences in relation to the most relevant topics, such as the urgent need for political support, the commitment of the members of the table, the international and national experience, the determination of the objectives, purposes and type of institutionality, among others.

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How to Cite
Anticipatory governance and foresight: Considerations on the draft bill proposal to provide and institutional struture on the future for Chile. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 16, 193-201.
Informes Técnicos

How to Cite

Anticipatory governance and foresight: Considerations on the draft bill proposal to provide and institutional struture on the future for Chile. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 16, 193-201.


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